Screenshot of a customer service interaction via the 10z Assistant app, showing a conversation where a virtual assistant swiftly handles a flight rebooking request

Revolutionize Your Customer Service
with our AI chatbot for Smart Assistance

Transform your customer support with our smart virtual assistants
delivering fast, personalized service around the clock.

Discover the Advantages of AI chat

Icon representing AI chat, with speech bubbles and 'AI' text
Advanced AI Technology
Utilize state-of-the-art GPT-model AI technology for innovative virtual assistant solutions.
Round-the-clock support icon with a chat bubble and headset, indicating 24/7 customer service
24/7 Personalized Service
Our virtual assistants offer round-the-clock, ensuring quick and accurate responses.
Multilingual chat support icon with speech bubbles in various languages
Multilingual Support
Expand your global reach with virtual assistants capable of engaging customers in multiple languages.
Efficiency icon with bar chart and clock, symbolizing productivity and time management
Operational Efficiency
Automate routine tasks, reduce staffing requirements, and enhance overall service efficiency.
Integration icon with gear, circuit, and cube, representing system compatibility and data processing from Word, PDF, and CRM
Seamless Integration
Easily integrate with your existing systems, utilizing data from various formats like Word, PDF, and CRM systems.

Explore how our AI-powered assistants bring versatility and efficiency across various industries.

Our virtual assistants are equipped with a wide range of capabilities to transform your
business operations. Here are just a few examples of what they can do:
Mobile chat interface of 10z Assistant providing real estate services, where the virtual assistant is inquiring about the client's budget for a 3-bedroom apartment and offering to compile a list of options

Your Journey with Us


Needs Assessment & Goal Setting

We start by identifying how virtual assistants can benefit your business, setting clear objectives and establishing necessary documentation.
Customization, Testing, and Integration
We tailor the assistants to your business needs, test through predefined dialogues, and integrate them into your system with customized capabilities.
Deployment & Customer Interaction
We connect the assistants to your customer touchpoints for efficient operations, ensuring stable and seamless interaction.
Ongoing Support & Enhancement
We continuously support and refine the assistants, adapting their functionalities to meet your evolving business requirements.

AI Insights and Innovations Blog

How We Can Help You
We help develop young architecture companies and teams that innovate urban planning
We can do the research and tell you how artificial intelligence can help your business.
We are ready to analyze your current solutions, evaluate their quality and suggest ways to improve your product using AI.
We are ready to help you with the software implementation of your products and the integration of AI into them.


Ask our AI assistant!

Leave your details in a quick, convenient conversation and let's elevate your customer service together. Click below to start chatting now!